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Getting Admin to Say Yes!

You're hoping to take your students on an incredible experiential learning opportunity, and you've even found an app that is going to make the whole thing safer and more secure. So how do you now go to your school leaders and get support?


Here's some tips and resources we have to help you both get the support from your admin to go on this incredible trip...


1. Don't ask for PERMISSION, ask for SUPPORT.

Explain why you want to take the students on this incredible adventure - real world and life long learning happens on these trips so be sure to explain all the educational opportunities that will be offered on this trip. 

Then explain why it would make you so much more comfortable if you were able to use Chapperone on your trip. Chapperone makes the whole trip safer, more secure and reduces risk - all things that are crucial for administrators to consider. Try phrases like "it would give me total peace of mind knowing the students are always safe and contactable", "I'd feel so much more comfortable with a system in place to reduce risk and keep everyone safe" and "parents will love that we have this safety net in place" 


2. Explain the benefits of the app in terms of real life stories

Remember that time when the bus was late, we couldn't find Ali's bag and Greg had just fallen and had a huge cut on his leg? We have ALL been there. And it's for these common situations that our founders (Ali and Greg) designed the app. So using the broadcast feature to let everyone know to meet at 2.30pm and not 2pm saves hours of running around telling students, checking in with the chaperone group chat about lost and found, and then having any issues quickly reported to you shows how much of a game changer this app is.


3. The Chapperone Experiential Learning Fund

Chapperone is proud to have a small fund available to schools wanting to use our award-winning app but unable to find the funds to do so. Please email to learn how to apply.


4. Ask for our support

We always willing to help and support you in whatever way we can, and if it would be useful to have one of our sales reps jump onto a call with (you and) your admin to answer any questions, then please let us know!

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