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Top 5 Emergency Preparedness Tips for Student Travel


Student travel experiences are filled with excitement, learning, and adventure. While the focus is on creating unforgettable memories, it is essential to prioritize emergency preparedness to ensure the safety and well-being of students. By having comprehensive emergency plans in place, teachers and school administrators can effectively handle unexpected situations. In this article, we will discuss the importance of emergency preparedness and provide you with the top five tips to create a robust emergency plan for student trips. Additionally, we will highlight how Chapperone can assist in facilitating emergency communication and response.

1. Conduct Thorough Risk Assessments:

Before embarking on any student trip, conduct detailed risk assessments that consider the specific activities, destinations, and potential hazards involved. Transportation is often the area where we see greatest risk, so identify the modes of transport and ensure if you’re being transported by a particular coach/bus company that they have up-to-date and high standard safety procedures in place. Additionally identify possible risks such as natural disasters, medical emergencies, and logistical issues. Evaluate the severity and likelihood of each risk and develop appropriate response strategies. By proactively addressing potential emergencies, you can better prepare for and mitigate their impact. See our earlier blog post for more tips on this.

2. Create a Comprehensive Emergency Plan:

Develop a comprehensive emergency plan that outlines step-by-step procedures to be followed during different emergency scenarios. This plan should include evacuation procedures, emergency contacts, designated meeting points, and communication protocols. This can feel quite overwhelming, but the most important thing is that you have a ‘system’ in place and don’t let the details make this task feel too large. Whether your evacuation meeting point is in the courtyard of the hotel, or the park across the road, the most important thing is to think through who is in charge of an emergency situation, who are the ‘deputies’, what the lines of communication are and what responsibilities additional chaperones have.

Ensure that all staff, chaperones, and students are familiar with the plan and know who to contact in case they experience an issue. By having a well-structured plan in place, you can minimize panic and confusion during critical situations.

You can make sure everyone always has access to it by including it in Emergency Information on the Chapperone app.

3. Utilize Technology for Emergency Communication:

Integrate technology solutions, such as Chapperone, into your emergency preparedness strategy. Chapperone provides a reliable platform for communication during emergencies, allowing teachers, administrators, and students to stay connected and informed. It enables real-time messaging, broadcast messages and chaperone group chat, ensuring swift and effective communication in crisis situations. By leveraging technology, you can streamline emergency communication and response, enhancing student safety. Having this secure communication channel can also minimize the risk of emergencies arising as students can contact teachers, and vice versa, before anything goes too awry.

4. Train Staff and Chaperones:

Ensure that all staff and chaperones are trained in basic first aid, CPR, and emergency response procedures. Conduct regular training sessions to refresh their knowledge and skills - perhaps during one of your pre-trip chaperone meetings you can run over how to use an Epipen and what the signs of a severe allergic reaction are, a quick reminder of CPR is also very useful. It’s also a good time to go over any students that do have significant medical needs. If you’re traveling with a student who has a serious medical need, it’s important to train all chaperones how to support this student and not just rely on the individual advisor/small group chaperone.

By equipping your team with the necessary training and knowledge, you can enhance their ability to handle emergencies and protect students effectively. This is particularly true for more ‘adventure/wilderness trips’ but should not be overlooked on the ‘tamer’ city trips.

5. Communicate with Parents and Guardians:

Maintain open and transparent communication with parents and guardians before, during, and after the trip. Share details about emergency contacts, and any specific instructions they might need. It’s also important to assure parents of the measures taken to prioritize student safety, and to provide them with some updates while on the road.

If anything does go wrong, it’s important to quickly communicate this with parents. Try to get information out to parents ahead of students - this means you get to control the narrative of the situation. It might be a good idea to ask your administrator/school leader back on campus to handle this communication so you don’t get swamped yourself with concerned parents reaching out to you while you’re in the midst of a crisis.


Emergency preparedness is a critical aspect of organizing student trips. By implementing these top five tips, you can create a comprehensive emergency plan that safeguards the well-being of students. Remember to conduct thorough risk assessments, create a detailed emergency plan, leverage technology for efficient communication, provide adequate training to staff, and maintain transparent communication with parents. Chapperone can serve as a valuable tool in facilitating emergency communication and response, streamlining the process for teachers, administrators, and students. Prioritizing emergency preparedness not only enhances student safety but also ensures that student trips continue to be enriching and transformative experiences.

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